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    {if:""<>""}Godfrey: Do you mind telling me just what a scavenger hunt is? Irene: Well, a scavenger hunt is exactly like a treasure hunt, except in a treasure hunt you try to find something you want, and in a scavenger hunt you try to find something that nobody wants. Godfrey: Hmm, like a forgotten man? Irene: That's right, and the one who wins gets a prize, only there really isn't a prize. It's just the honor of winning, because all the money goes to charity, that is, if there is any money left over, but there never is. Godfrey: Well, that clears the whole matter up beautifully. --------------------------------------------------Irene: You have a wonderful sense of humor. I wish I had a sense of humor, but I can never think of the right thing to say until everybody's gone home. -------------------------------------------------Godfrey: Hasn't anyone ever told you about certain proprieties? Irene: You use such lovely big words. I like big words. What does it mean? Godfrey: Well, I'll try to simplify it. Hasn't your mother or anyone ever explained to you that some things are proper and some things are not? Irene: No she hasn't. She rambles on quite a bit, but then she never has anything to say. -------------------------------------------------Irene: What difference does it make where one puts flowers when one's heart is breaking? -----------------------------------------------Irene: Life is but an empty bubble. -----------------------------------------------Irene: Godfrey loves me! He put me in the shower! -------------------------------------------------Godfrey: Why can't you let me alone? Irene: Because you're my responsibility and someone has to take care of you. Godfrey: I can take care of myself. Irene: You can't look me in the eye and say that. You love me and you know it. You know, there's no sense in struggling against a thing when it's got you. It's got you and that's all there is to it - it's got you! -----------------------------------------------Irene: Could you tell me why you live in a place like this when there's so many other nice places? Godfrey: You really want to know? Irene: Oh, I'm very curious. Godfrey: It's because my real estate agent felt that the altitude would be very good for my asthma. ------------------------------------------------[last lines] [Irene is getting ready to marry a surprised Godfrey] Irene: Stand still, Godfrey. It'll all be over in a minute.P.S : Irene小姐先前一场伤心得突然宣布订婚的戏也相当搞笑{else}《我的高德弗里》由一处破败的垃圾场开始,尖锐地嘲笑了贵族们无聊透顶的“狩猎”游戏,同时也把平民化的男主角高非里带进了一个有趣但完全颓废的布尔乔亚家庭。那里充满了对立,姐姐厌恶他,想种种办法地陷害他;而妹妹善良正直,偏偏对这位穷管家心有独衷。其实这位管家毕业于...{end if}


    Godfrey: Do you mind telling me just what a scavenger hunt is? Irene: Well, a scavenger hunt is exactly like a treasure hunt, except in a treasure hunt you try to find something you want, and in a scavenger hunt you try to find something that nobody wants. Godfrey: Hmm, like a forgotten man? Irene: That's right, and the one who wins gets a prize, only there really isn't a prize. It's just the honor of winning, because all the money goes to charity, that is, if there is any money left over, but there never is. Godfrey: Well, that clears the whole matter up beautifully. --------------------------------------------------Irene: You have a wonderful sense of humor. I wish I had a sense of humor, but I can never think of the right thing to say until everybody's gone home. -------------------------------------------------Godfrey: Hasn't anyone ever told you about certain proprieties? Irene: You use such lovely big words. I like big words. What does it mean? Godfrey: Well, I'll try to simplify it. Hasn't your mother or anyone ever explained to you that some things are proper and some things are not? Irene: No she hasn't. She rambles on quite a bit, but then she never has anything to say. -------------------------------------------------Irene: What difference does it make where one puts flowers when one's heart is breaking? -----------------------------------------------Irene: Life is but an empty bubble. -----------------------------------------------Irene: Godfrey loves me! He put me in the shower! -------------------------------------------------Godfrey: Why can't you let me alone? Irene: Because you're my responsibility and someone has to take care of you. Godfrey: I can take care of myself. Irene: You can't look me in the eye and say that. You love me and you know it. You know, there's no sense in struggling against a thing when it's got you. It's got you and that's all there is to it - it's got you! -----------------------------------------------Irene: Could you tell me why you live in a place like this when there's so many other nice places? Godfrey: You really want to know? Irene: Oh, I'm very curious. Godfrey: It's because my real estate agent felt that the altitude would be very good for my asthma. ------------------------------------------------[last lines] [Irene is getting ready to marry a surprised Godfrey] Irene: Stand still, Godfrey. It'll all be over in a minute.P.S : Irene小姐先前一场伤心得突然宣布订婚的戏也相当搞笑