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  • 解码数学


    年份:2011 类型:美国剧






我们一直在探索人类最古老的问题之一:为什么世界会是现在这个样子?从宏伟的大教堂到北美周期性的蝉鸣,从多佛比目鱼到蜿蜒的海岸线,从深海鹦鹉螺到美妙的音乐,从繁忙的机场到广阔的星空,它们共同构成了密码的世界——一个充满数字的抽象世界,一个可以最细致入微地描述我们的世界的领域。这些数字密码让我们对宇宙有了无与伦比的认识,而它与自然界的交织,不仅是密码存在的有力证据,更是数字之间令人眼花缭乱的奇妙联系。只有通过这些密码,我们才能理解支配整个宇宙的规律,从而揭开这个世界的真相。数学和几何的规律影响着生物的繁衍,影响着星辰的运动,支撑着教堂的圆顶。这是一个神奇而迷人的世界。它与我们生活的世界大相径庭,却给予我们无限的领悟,拂去表面的浮云,只留下终极密码……人生的过程,就是求真、求善的过程,并追求美。为什么数学吸引我们?因为她是真善美的化身,是人生真谛的呈现。 2011年BBC播出的数学科普纪录片《THECODE》以震撼的视觉语言从生活现象中阐释了数学的真善美。数学科学纪录片《密码密码》共3集,分别从“数字、形状、预测”三个方向探讨宗教中的隐患。Episode 1, Numbers: 1. Pi2. g3, Normal Distribution4. Prime Number, the atom of mathematics Episode 2, Shapes: 1. Efficiency of the universe, that's how the get the shape for the roof of Munich stadium, and that's how bubbles form hexagon.2. Fractal and Jackson Pollock. How Fractal is the fundation of animation nowasdays.3. No snow flake is perfectly symmetrical. There's always some factors, or so called noiseEpisode 3, Predictions:1. Wisdom of the crowd,2. Big data. Google now is able to predict outbreak of flue based on what people are searching. 3. Professor Geoffrey West and his study of city, number 1.15 seems to be the underlying rule.4. Simple rules can used to simulate crowd movement. Simulations like this now help out architects for their building design.


Episode 1, Numbers: 1. Pi2. g3, Normal Distribution4. Prime Number, the atom of mathematics Episode 2, Shapes: 1. Efficiency of the universe, that's how the get the shape for the roof of Munich stadium, and that's how bubbles form hexagon.2. Fractal and Jackson Pollock. How Fractal is the fundation of animation nowasdays.3. No snow flake is perfectly symmetrical. There's always some factors, or so called noiseEpisode 3, Predictions:1. Wisdom of the crowd,2. Big data. Google now is able to predict outbreak of flue based on what people are searching. 3. Professor Geoffrey West and his study of city, number 1.15 seems to be the underlying rule.4. Simple rules can used to simulate crowd movement. Simulations like this now help out architects for their building design.