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  • 爱,死亡和机器人第三季


    年份:2022 类型:动漫






艾美奖获奖动画选集《爱、死亡&机器人》第三部回归,由蒂姆·米勒(《死侍》《终结者:黑暗命运》)和大卫·芬奇(《心灵猎人》《曼克》)担任监制。恐怖、想象力和美在新剧集中完美融合,从揭示古老的邪恶力量到喜剧般的末日,剧集以标志性的巧思和创造性的视觉效果,为观众带来令人震惊的奇幻、恐怖和科幻短篇故事。 1. "Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing, Beloved from pole to pole. "古舟子咏 —— 柯勒律治The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge 诗文中此句出现时,年迈的水手向生命发起祝福,水手背负的诅咒随着脖子上的信天翁尸体落入水中,水手因此才得安眠。这里非常契合女主带着同伴尸体艰难行走的疲惫。2. "Who spilled these stars across the sky like sparkling dust, like clouds of light? They pour their milky shine into the deep black bowl " The Milky Way by Barbara Juster Esbensen “谁将这些星星洒满天空,像闪光的尘埃,像发光的云?他们将乳白色的光芒倾入黑色的碗中”能找到的资料很少,很符合诗文出现时女主在减轻痛苦的致幻剂作用下周围的景象。3. "I was the world in which I walked, and what I sawOr heard or felt came not but from myself "Tea at the Palaz of Hoon by Wallace Stevens胡恩宫殿里的茶话 —— 华莱士·史蒂文斯“ 我是我行走于其中的世界,我之所见所听或所感,全部来自我自己”此时女主所见的巨岩正幻化成巨大的同伴身体。4.“ And now I see with eye sereneThe very pulse of the machine” She Was a Phantom of Delight by William Wordsworth 她是个快乐的精灵 —— 威廉·华兹华斯 The Very Pulse of the Machine 是本集动画的题目,也对应的短篇科幻小说名字。“现在我用沉静的目光见到的,恰是机器的脉冲颤跳”出现于女主发现“machine”所指时。5.“ The marble index of a mind foreverVoyaging through strange seas of thought, alone ”The Prelude , or Growth of a Poet's Mind by William Wordsworth“大理石索引的灵魂,孤独地航行在陌生的思想海洋”此诗似是为了赞美牛顿,其前两句是“ The antechapel where the statue stoodOf Newton, with his prism and silent face”


1. "Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing, Beloved from pole to pole. "古舟子咏 —— 柯勒律治The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge 诗文中此句出现时,年迈的水手向生命发起祝福,水手背负的诅咒随着脖子上的信天翁尸体落入水中,水手因此才得安眠。这里非常契合女主带着同伴尸体艰难行走的疲惫。2. "Who spilled these stars across the sky like sparkling dust, like clouds of light? They pour their milky shine into the deep black bowl " The Milky Way by Barbara Juster Esbensen “谁将这些星星洒满天空,像闪光的尘埃,像发光的云?他们将乳白色的光芒倾入黑色的碗中”能找到的资料很少,很符合诗文出现时女主在减轻痛苦的致幻剂作用下周围的景象。3. "I was the world in which I walked, and what I sawOr heard or felt came not but from myself "Tea at the Palaz of Hoon by Wallace Stevens胡恩宫殿里的茶话 —— 华莱士·史蒂文斯“ 我是我行走于其中的世界,我之所见所听或所感,全部来自我自己”此时女主所见的巨岩正幻化成巨大的同伴身体。4.“ And now I see with eye sereneThe very pulse of the machine” She Was a Phantom of Delight by William Wordsworth 她是个快乐的精灵 —— 威廉·华兹华斯 The Very Pulse of the Machine 是本集动画的题目,也对应的短篇科幻小说名字。“现在我用沉静的目光见到的,恰是机器的脉冲颤跳”出现于女主发现“machine”所指时。5.“ The marble index of a mind foreverVoyaging through strange seas of thought, alone ”The Prelude , or Growth of a Poet's Mind by William Wordsworth“大理石索引的灵魂,孤独地航行在陌生的思想海洋”此诗似是为了赞美牛顿,其前两句是“ The antechapel where the statue stoodOf Newton, with his prism and silent face”