



本文分两个部分,第一部分全部摘自英文版Wikipedia(貌似没有中文版网页),并进行中文翻译,如有翻译错误,欢迎指正。第二部分是取自于The Guardian的电影中所提及的当年报道的新闻(英文版,重要部分会有些许翻译),并在文末分享几篇关于Katharine Gun的新闻报道链接。BTW,文末会提供文章网页链接。

Katharine Gun


Gun出生于台湾,父母是英国人,也正因为如此,她描述自己是“third culture kid”(意指一个人在与父母成长的环境或者国家不同的环境下成长,并且受到了不同的文化熏陶)。在孩童时代,她就读于台湾的Morrison Academic学校。只有在英国的Durham University学习日语和中文。毕业后,她工作与英国的情报机构----Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)。并且在稍后的工作岁月中表示:

I didn't have much idea about what they did...I was going into it prettey much blind. Most people do.


Gun在GCHQ的日常工作是英文与中文的翻译工作。在2003年的一月31日,Gun读到了一封来自于Frank Koza的邮件(电影中观察者报的记者们一开始想要证实是否存在的那个情报官员,而在百科中,这个人也不存在相关的信息链接),Koza隶属于美国的情况机构在‘regional targets’(区域性目标)n部门的主管。而邮件的内容涉及一项秘密且非法的(a secret and illegal operatio)去操控联合国办事对于六个国家的投票,这六个国家是Angola, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, Guinea, and Pakistan,被称为“swing nations”(应该是对投票持摇摆态度的国家),而这项投票的提议是联合国是否允许发动对伊拉克的武力进攻。

Gun被邮件的内容所激怒,并打印了邮件的内容并随后带回了家。在对邮件深思熟虑后,Gun把邮件的内容发给了一个与记者有关系的朋友,在同年二月,她参与了在伦敦举行的反战游行。直到三月2日星期日,Gun才在观察者报纸的首页上看到了邮件内的相关报道。不到一周后,在三月5日,Gun对于她的部门主管承认是她做了泄密,并同时被捕。在与Jeremy Paxman的BBC访谈中,她坦言没有与律师有过沟通,因为认为这不会有多少实质性的帮助——“honesty didn't think that would have had any practical effect”。Gun被拘留的一个晚上。在八个月后,她因泄露官方国家机密罪而被指控。(有意思的是)她在等待她是否会受到指控的听证会期间,她在Birmingham University(伯明翰大学)攻读了国际道德准则的硕士学位。

Protesters against the invasion of Iraq, February 2003. Photograph: Ian Waldie/Getty Images


在2003年的十月13日,Gun因违反1989年的官方机密条例(其实也是本片的片名——Official Secrets Act 1989)而被指控。她的案件立刻在反战人士中引起了巨大了关注,许多民众要求英国政府撤销指控。在稍后的法庭中,Gun表示对指控做无罪申辩,因为她认为入侵伊拉克的战争是违法的。


I'm just baffled in the 21st century we as human beings are still dropping bombs on each other as a means to resolve issues.

在2019年的一篇卫报的报道中指出:即使是检方也认为起诉Gun的证据会显露入侵伊拉克的武力行为是非法的。Leaking or briefing? Inside the world of ministers’ secrets


在2003年Gun获得了Sam Adams Awards, 并在两年后(可能是2005年)撰写了一篇文章——“Iran: Time to Leak”,请求更多的潜在泄密者对公众提供政府是否有对伊朗发动武力进攻的准备。并且表示:

those in position to do so to disclose information which relates to this planned agression; legal advice, meetings between the White House and other intellience agencies, assessments of Iran's threat level (or better yet, evidence that assessments have been altered), troop deployments and army notifications. Don't let 'the intelligence and the facts be fixed around the policy' this time.


在2019年,名为'Official Secrets'的电影上映,展现了Gun在2003的壮举,并且有Keira Knightley饰演Gun。

Katharine Gun

Third culture kid

The Observer

Official Secrets (film)


The Observer’s front page story on 2 March 2003. Photograph: The Observer

(顺便一提:本报纸的右上角的新闻Lost in Spacey: the Oscar winner tells all to Mariella Frostrup——'Anybody worth their salt feels like a fake most of the time',讲的是Kevin Spacey,并且Spacey于同年出演了电影 The Life of David Gale )

Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war (美国政府恶意操控赢得对伊拉克战争的投票)

The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war against Iraq.

Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The Observer.(对身处纽约的联合国的代表团的住家和办公室的电话和邮件的窃听。)

The disclosures were made in a memorandum written by a top official at the National Security Agency - the US body which intercepts communications around the world - and circulated to both senior agents in his organisation and to a friendly foreign intelligence agency asking for its input.

The memo describes orders to staff at the agency, whose work is clouded in secrecy, to step up its surveillance operations 'particularly directed at... UN Security Council Members (minus US and GBR, of course)' to provide up-to-the-minute intelligence for Bush officials on the voting intentions of UN members regarding the issue of Iraq. (窃听的信息会直通小布什的办公室,并告知联合国成员国对于入侵伊拉克的动议的态度。)

The leaked memorandum makes clear that the target of the heightened surveillance efforts are the delegations from Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Mexico, Guinea and Pakistan at the UN headquarters in New York - the so-called 'Middle Six' delegations whose votes are being fought over by the pro-war party, led by the US and Britain, and the party arguing for more time for UN inspections, led by France, China and Russia. (中间派的“摇摆的六国”,并且支持入侵的动议由美国和英国领导,而反对则有法国、中国和俄罗斯带领。)

The memo is directed at senior NSA officials and advises them that the agency is 'mounting a surge' aimed at gleaning information not only on how delegations on the Security Council will vote on any second resolution on Iraq, but also 'policies', 'negotiating positions', 'alliances' and 'dependencies' - the 'whole gamut of information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favourable to US goals or to head off surprises'.

Dated 31 January 2003, the memo was circulated four days after the UN's chief weapons inspector Hans Blix produced his interim report on Iraqi compliance with UN resolution 1441.

It was sent by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the 'Regional Targets' section of the NSA, which spies on countries that are viewed as strategically important for United States interests. (由Frank Koza发出的这份备忘录)

Koza specifies that the information will be used for the US's 'QRC' - Quick Response Capability - 'against' the key delegations.

Suggesting the levels of surveillance of both the office and home phones of UN delegation members, Koza also asks regional managers to make sure that their staff also 'pay attention to existing non-UN Security Council Member UN-related and domestic comms [office and home telephones] for anything useful related to Security Council deliberations'. (对联合国代表团的办公场所和居住场所的窃听,并且对与联合国事务相关的且没有参与(联合国)安全理事会的成员国代表以及国内的通信进行窃听)

Koza also addresses himself to the foreign agency, saying: 'We'd appreciate your support in getting the word to your analysts who might have similar more indirect access to valuable information from accesses in your product lines [ie, intelligence sources].' Koza makes clear it is an informal request at this juncture, but adds: 'I suspect that you'll be hearing more along these lines in formal channels.'

Disclosure of the US operation comes in the week that Blix will make what many expect to be his final report to the Security Council.

It also comes amid increasingly threatening noises from the US towards undecided countries on the Security Council who have been warned of the unpleasant economic consequences of standing up to the US.

Sources in Washington familiar with the operation said last week that there had been a division among Bush administration officials over whether to pursue such a high-intensity surveillance campaign with some warning of the serious consequences of discovery.

The existence of the surveillance operation, understood to have been requested by President Bush's National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, is deeply embarrassing to the Americans in the middle of their efforts to win over the undecided delegations.

The language and content of the memo were judged to be authentic by three former intelligence operatives shown it by The Observer. We were also able to establish that Frank Koza does work for the NSA and could confirm his senior post in the Regional Targets section of the organisation.

The NSA main switchboard put The Observer through to extension 6727 at the agency which was answered by an assistant, who confirmed it was Koza's office. However, when The Observer asked to talk to Koza about the surveillance of diplomatic missions at the United Nations, it was then told 'You have reached the wrong number'. (NSA转接了‘观察者’对于Koza的办公室的电话,并且并且表示6727是Koza的办公室,但当记者询问对联合国的外交任务的(窃听)调查时,被告知电话打错了)

On protesting that the assistant had just said this was Koza's extension, the assistant repeated that it was an erroneous extension, and hung up.

While many diplomats at the UN assume they are being bugged, the memo reveals for the first time the scope and scale of US communications intercepts targeted against the New York-based missions.

The disclosure comes at a time when diplomats from the countries have been complaining about the outright 'hostility' of US tactics in recent days to persuade then to fall in line, including threats to economic and aid packages.

The operation appears to have been spotted by rival organisations in Europe. 'The Americans are being very purposeful about this,' said a source at a European intelligence agency when asked about the US surveillance efforts.



US plan to bug Security Council: the text


Iraq war whistleblower Katharine Gun: ‘Truth always matters’

Katharine Gun: Ten years on what happened to the woman who revealed dirty tricks on the UN Iraq war vote?

{else}故事发生在2003年的英国,凯瑟琳(凯拉·奈特莉KeiraKnightley饰)是服务于英国情报机构的政府通讯翻译官,某日,她收到了一封加密邮件,该邮件揭露了美国国安局串通英国政府,企图入侵伊拉克发动战争的阴谋。凯瑟琳过着人人羡慕的安稳生活,领着不菲的薪水,有着无量的前途。这封邮件让她陷入了纠结之中,究竟是视若无睹还是勇敢的站出来检举揭发,最终,正义感战胜了私欲,凯瑟琳和律师本(拉尔夫·费因斯RalphFiennes饰)联手将这封邮件公之于众,很快就引起了群情激奋。紧接着,凯瑟琳就因为违反了《国家机密法》而被指控为叛国罪。{end if}


本文分两个部分,第一部分全部摘自英文版Wikipedia(貌似没有中文版网页),并进行中文翻译,如有翻译错误,欢迎指正。第二部分是取自于The Guardian的电影中所提及的当年报道的新闻(英文版,重要部分会有些许翻译),并在文末分享几篇关于Katharine Gun的新闻报道链接。BTW,文末会提供文章网页链接。

Katharine Gun


Gun出生于台湾,父母是英国人,也正因为如此,她描述自己是“third culture kid”(意指一个人在与父母成长的环境或者国家不同的环境下成长,并且受到了不同的文化熏陶)。在孩童时代,她就读于台湾的Morrison Academic学校。只有在英国的Durham University学习日语和中文。毕业后,她工作与英国的情报机构----Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)。并且在稍后的工作岁月中表示:

I didn't have much idea about what they did...I was going into it prettey much blind. Most people do.


Gun在GCHQ的日常工作是英文与中文的翻译工作。在2003年的一月31日,Gun读到了一封来自于Frank Koza的邮件(电影中观察者报的记者们一开始想要证实是否存在的那个情报官员,而在百科中,这个人也不存在相关的信息链接),Koza隶属于美国的情况机构在‘regional targets’(区域性目标)n部门的主管。而邮件的内容涉及一项秘密且非法的(a secret and illegal operatio)去操控联合国办事对于六个国家的投票,这六个国家是Angola, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, Guinea, and Pakistan,被称为“swing nations”(应该是对投票持摇摆态度的国家),而这项投票的提议是联合国是否允许发动对伊拉克的武力进攻。

Gun被邮件的内容所激怒,并打印了邮件的内容并随后带回了家。在对邮件深思熟虑后,Gun把邮件的内容发给了一个与记者有关系的朋友,在同年二月,她参与了在伦敦举行的反战游行。直到三月2日星期日,Gun才在观察者报纸的首页上看到了邮件内的相关报道。不到一周后,在三月5日,Gun对于她的部门主管承认是她做了泄密,并同时被捕。在与Jeremy Paxman的BBC访谈中,她坦言没有与律师有过沟通,因为认为这不会有多少实质性的帮助——“honesty didn't think that would have had any practical effect”。Gun被拘留的一个晚上。在八个月后,她因泄露官方国家机密罪而被指控。(有意思的是)她在等待她是否会受到指控的听证会期间,她在Birmingham University(伯明翰大学)攻读了国际道德准则的硕士学位。

Protesters against the invasion of Iraq, February 2003. Photograph: Ian Waldie/Getty Images


在2003年的十月13日,Gun因违反1989年的官方机密条例(其实也是本片的片名——Official Secrets Act 1989)而被指控。她的案件立刻在反战人士中引起了巨大了关注,许多民众要求英国政府撤销指控。在稍后的法庭中,Gun表示对指控做无罪申辩,因为她认为入侵伊拉克的战争是违法的。


I'm just baffled in the 21st century we as human beings are still dropping bombs on each other as a means to resolve issues.

在2019年的一篇卫报的报道中指出:即使是检方也认为起诉Gun的证据会显露入侵伊拉克的武力行为是非法的。Leaking or briefing? Inside the world of ministers’ secrets


在2003年Gun获得了Sam Adams Awards, 并在两年后(可能是2005年)撰写了一篇文章——“Iran: Time to Leak”,请求更多的潜在泄密者对公众提供政府是否有对伊朗发动武力进攻的准备。并且表示:

those in position to do so to disclose information which relates to this planned agression; legal advice, meetings between the White House and other intellience agencies, assessments of Iran's threat level (or better yet, evidence that assessments have been altered), troop deployments and army notifications. Don't let 'the intelligence and the facts be fixed around the policy' this time.


在2019年,名为'Official Secrets'的电影上映,展现了Gun在2003的壮举,并且有Keira Knightley饰演Gun。

Katharine Gun

Third culture kid

The Observer

Official Secrets (film)


The Observer’s front page story on 2 March 2003. Photograph: The Observer

(顺便一提:本报纸的右上角的新闻Lost in Spacey: the Oscar winner tells all to Mariella Frostrup——'Anybody worth their salt feels like a fake most of the time',讲的是Kevin Spacey,并且Spacey于同年出演了电影 The Life of David Gale )

Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war (美国政府恶意操控赢得对伊拉克战争的投票)

The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war against Iraq.

Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The Observer.(对身处纽约的联合国的代表团的住家和办公室的电话和邮件的窃听。)

The disclosures were made in a memorandum written by a top official at the National Security Agency - the US body which intercepts communications around the world - and circulated to both senior agents in his organisation and to a friendly foreign intelligence agency asking for its input.

The memo describes orders to staff at the agency, whose work is clouded in secrecy, to step up its surveillance operations 'particularly directed at... UN Security Council Members (minus US and GBR, of course)' to provide up-to-the-minute intelligence for Bush officials on the voting intentions of UN members regarding the issue of Iraq. (窃听的信息会直通小布什的办公室,并告知联合国成员国对于入侵伊拉克的动议的态度。)

The leaked memorandum makes clear that the target of the heightened surveillance efforts are the delegations from Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Mexico, Guinea and Pakistan at the UN headquarters in New York - the so-called 'Middle Six' delegations whose votes are being fought over by the pro-war party, led by the US and Britain, and the party arguing for more time for UN inspections, led by France, China and Russia. (中间派的“摇摆的六国”,并且支持入侵的动议由美国和英国领导,而反对则有法国、中国和俄罗斯带领。)

The memo is directed at senior NSA officials and advises them that the agency is 'mounting a surge' aimed at gleaning information not only on how delegations on the Security Council will vote on any second resolution on Iraq, but also 'policies', 'negotiating positions', 'alliances' and 'dependencies' - the 'whole gamut of information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favourable to US goals or to head off surprises'.

Dated 31 January 2003, the memo was circulated four days after the UN's chief weapons inspector Hans Blix produced his interim report on Iraqi compliance with UN resolution 1441.

It was sent by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the 'Regional Targets' section of the NSA, which spies on countries that are viewed as strategically important for United States interests. (由Frank Koza发出的这份备忘录)

Koza specifies that the information will be used for the US's 'QRC' - Quick Response Capability - 'against' the key delegations.

Suggesting the levels of surveillance of both the office and home phones of UN delegation members, Koza also asks regional managers to make sure that their staff also 'pay attention to existing non-UN Security Council Member UN-related and domestic comms [office and home telephones] for anything useful related to Security Council deliberations'. (对联合国代表团的办公场所和居住场所的窃听,并且对与联合国事务相关的且没有参与(联合国)安全理事会的成员国代表以及国内的通信进行窃听)

Koza also addresses himself to the foreign agency, saying: 'We'd appreciate your support in getting the word to your analysts who might have similar more indirect access to valuable information from accesses in your product lines [ie, intelligence sources].' Koza makes clear it is an informal request at this juncture, but adds: 'I suspect that you'll be hearing more along these lines in formal channels.'

Disclosure of the US operation comes in the week that Blix will make what many expect to be his final report to the Security Council.

It also comes amid increasingly threatening noises from the US towards undecided countries on the Security Council who have been warned of the unpleasant economic consequences of standing up to the US.

Sources in Washington familiar with the operation said last week that there had been a division among Bush administration officials over whether to pursue such a high-intensity surveillance campaign with some warning of the serious consequences of discovery.

The existence of the surveillance operation, understood to have been requested by President Bush's National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, is deeply embarrassing to the Americans in the middle of their efforts to win over the undecided delegations.

The language and content of the memo were judged to be authentic by three former intelligence operatives shown it by The Observer. We were also able to establish that Frank Koza does work for the NSA and could confirm his senior post in the Regional Targets section of the organisation.

The NSA main switchboard put The Observer through to extension 6727 at the agency which was answered by an assistant, who confirmed it was Koza's office. However, when The Observer asked to talk to Koza about the surveillance of diplomatic missions at the United Nations, it was then told 'You have reached the wrong number'. (NSA转接了‘观察者’对于Koza的办公室的电话,并且并且表示6727是Koza的办公室,但当记者询问对联合国的外交任务的(窃听)调查时,被告知电话打错了)

On protesting that the assistant had just said this was Koza's extension, the assistant repeated that it was an erroneous extension, and hung up.

While many diplomats at the UN assume they are being bugged, the memo reveals for the first time the scope and scale of US communications intercepts targeted against the New York-based missions.

The disclosure comes at a time when diplomats from the countries have been complaining about the outright 'hostility' of US tactics in recent days to persuade then to fall in line, including threats to economic and aid packages.

The operation appears to have been spotted by rival organisations in Europe. 'The Americans are being very purposeful about this,' said a source at a European intelligence agency when asked about the US surveillance efforts.



US plan to bug Security Council: the text


Iraq war whistleblower Katharine Gun: ‘Truth always matters’

Katharine Gun: Ten years on what happened to the woman who revealed dirty tricks on the UN Iraq war vote?