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  • 昆西四季纪录片


    年份:2016 类型:纪录片






冬天,蒂达斯·范·丹姆拜访了她的朋友约翰·伯格,他在法国的一个小村庄里住了40多年。他们走过或深或浅的雾雪村庄,在小屋里畅谈童年记忆和历史传承。在春天,通过对动物的凝视,我们体验了一种对人与动物关系的思辨。夏天,我在一个山村和两三个艺术家谈论当代政治,伴着老电影和音乐,探讨艺术如何讲述政治。秋天,蒂达带着她的孩子再次去看望约翰父子。在广阔的山村生活中,她发现传承的思想存在于她看到的每一处风景中。四个短片象征着季节的变化,而山村里的风景、动物和生活则是一年又一年的轮回,体现了约翰所说的“这一刻的无限延伸”。他的思想和人生观与古老的农舍、绿色的田野和成群的牛相对应。他讲述世界各地的人和风景,阿尔卑斯山的小村庄是最迷人的舞台。(以上摘自2016年台北金马电影节)《昆西的季节》是一部长篇纪录片,由德里克·贾曼·拉巴特·伯克贝克(Derek Jarman Labat Birkbeck)与蒂尔达斯·温顿(TildasWinton)、克里斯托弗·罗思(ChristopherRothes)和科林·马卡贝(ColinMaccabe)合作拍摄。

in the monopolistic religions, i mean,there is this notion of Heaven and Hell. Different interpretations but these two categories. And it's worth asking the question are the following. It's in Hell where solidarity is important,not in Heaven,isn't it?


喜欢Tilda 读的声音

The Seventh (A hetedik)

Attila József

If you set out in this world,

better be born seven times.

Once, in a house on fire,

once, in a freezing flood,

once, in a wild madhouse,

once, in a field of ripe wheat,

once, in an empty cloister,

and once among pigs in sty.

Six babes crying, not enough:

you yourself must be the seventh.

When you must fight to survive,

let your enemy see seven.

One, away from work on Sunday,

one, starting his work on Monday,

one, who teaches without payment,

one, who learned to swim by drowning,

one, who is the seed of a forest,

and one, whom wild forefathers protect,

but all their tricks are not enough:

you yourself must be the seventh


in the monopolistic religions, i mean,there is this notion of Heaven and Hell. Different interpretations but these two categories. And it's worth asking the question are the following. It's in Hell where solidarity is important,not in Heaven,isn't it?


喜欢Tilda 读的声音

The Seventh (A hetedik)

Attila József

If you set out in this world,

better be born seven times.

Once, in a house on fire,

once, in a freezing flood,

once, in a wild madhouse,

once, in a field of ripe wheat,

once, in an empty cloister,

and once among pigs in sty.

Six babes crying, not enough:

you yourself must be the seventh.

When you must fight to survive,

let your enemy see seven.

One, away from work on Sunday,

one, starting his work on Monday,

one, who teaches without payment,

one, who learned to swim by drowning,

one, who is the seed of a forest,

and one, whom wild forefathers protect,

but all their tricks are not enough:

you yourself must be the seventh